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Where does the buzz go when the temperature drops?

This story is part of the Shenandoah Valley Ever Green radio project, produced in partnership with WMRA. This seasonal program focuses on the environmental and natural systems of the Valley. To listen to the full winter episode, tune into WMRA (90.7 FM) at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 15.

By Sam Game, contributor

While it’s much easier to see how busy bees are during the summer than in the winter, there’s still a lot going on in the hive, especially in February as days get longer.

Area beekeeper Tom Knapp explains what’s happening with honey bees during the cold months:

Knapp and Winchester-based beekeeper John Lewis also discuss some threats bees face and steps Valley residents can take to make outdoor spots a little sweeter for honey bees.

Listen to the full piece here:

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