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Community Perspective: A Call for Character

A contributed perspectives piece by Tom Morrison

Friends, Neighbors, 6th Congressional District Constituents, thank you sharing and collectively supporting each other in this wonderful area of the state, country and world. I view it as a privilege to have found and retired to the area. One issue related to the area, however, that I have not been pleased with has been our representation in Congress.

I have provided several communications over the years to Congressman Cline’s office.  While a few have received response, none have been on point with regard to the subject I was discussing. I have also made myself available to online phone townhalls and provided my questions in advance, and have never been called on.

Through his entire tenure, Congressman Cline has been an advocate and supporter of one constituent. Unfortunately, that constituent resides mostly in Florida. Yes, it is and has been even when out of office, the current President.

I get that sometimes you must compromise and bend to political influence to protect your position so that you can support the desires and wishes of your constituency, but the constituency and its desires and your own moral integrity must way in at some point. 

In spite of my prior experiences and responses or non-responses, after the current President started threatening the Ukraine and supporting Russia, I felt I had to make one more attempt to confirm our that Congressman would stick to his guns regarding what he had laid out and explained so clearly to his constituents back in March of 2022 in his electronic newsletter “Perspectives”.  

This is the only time I have ever felt that Mr. Cline was truly out in front of the sentiments of his constituents. To that end, I submitted the following to the Congressman’s outreach site on the 3rd of March:

“Congressman, during this troubling/stressful time with the turmoil in all corners of the Capital as a result of the newly elected President and his “anointed” co-rulers, I thought it important to share with you, the most informed and accurate “Perspectives” that you have ever released to your constituency. I truly hope that you still see the truth and accuracy within your words. This is not the time to stand down or step away from our European allies, friends and partners. I know our current President is afraid of Russia, but your constituency is not.

I look forward to your confirmation of your originally stated position.

Best Regards and your words follow:

“Sixth District Perspectives with Congressman Ben Cline

     Last week, the world watched in disbelief as Russian forces ruthlessly launched an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. While President Biden issued some economic sanctions against the Kremlin in response, as well as approved $350 million worth of military aid to Ukraine, we must continue to prod the Administration and the world community to stand strongly against this aggression. The Ukrainian people have shown tremendous resiliency and determination in their efforts to repel the invaders and defend their homeland. I am pleased that countries throughout Europe have condemned the actions of the Kremlin and are giving the Ukrainian resistance some of the tools needed to fight. As the situation unfolds, our thoughts and prayers are with the Ukrainian people.

Russian Invasion:

     For the first time since World War II, the world witnessed a major power invading a sovereign Nation last week. I stand with the American people in our solidarity against Russian aggression, and we pray for peace in Ukraine. This was an entirely unprovoked invasion, and every ounce of blood spilled throughout the conflict will be solely on Vladimir Putin’s hands. The international community must send a strong and clear message to Russia and our enemies that an attack on a sovereign country will be met with swift and devastating consequences. The United States must remain committed to crippling Russia’s ability to make war through crushing sanctions, export/import controls, and a complete cancelation of the United States’ support for the ill-advised Nord Stream 2 pipeline project. Although the Biden Administration and our allies took action to block Russia from accessing the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) system, the Russian energy transactions were not included in this sanction. The SWIFT system facilitates financial transactions and money transfers for banks located around the world, and thus cutting off Russian access would drastically limit their ability to participate in global trade and commerce. These sanctions must be unified and sustained by the international community in order to truly squeeze the Kremlin and drain them of their resources. I would also urge President Biden to place a far greater emphasis on domestic oil and gas production to combat the inevitable rising energy prices that will come from his previous decisions to cancel the Keystone Pipeline and other energy projects in the U.S.

     While I oppose the entry of American troops into the conflict, I was pleased that the Biden Administration authorized $350 million in military aid to Ukraine to help the country defend itself. Countless reports of heroic actions from both civilians and soldiers show the unwavering resolve of the Ukrainian people to repel the Russian invasion. Hopefully, the influx of weapons, ammunition, air defense systems, and fuel that is now being provided by the international community to Ukraine will help aid the country in their efforts to fend off this violation of their sovereignty.

Ben Cline”

To conclude, I have not received a response, nor have I received an acknowledgement from our Congressman to my submission. In fact, yesterday as I was working on a final draft of this letter for the paper, I received a brand new “6th District Perspectives with Ben Cline” in my inbox.

To no surprise, Mr. Cline seconded and supported all of the President’s State of Union points with absolutely no mention about Ukraine’s ongoing struggles nor any mention regarding the President’s decision to (temporarily I hope) abandon a country that is showing backbone and character in today’s world.  

It is clear to me that the call for character has been answered and nobody is home.

Tom Morrison and his wife Carol and rescue dogs are happily retired in Northern Rockbridge County and have been for 11 years.  Tom is a retired officer from the Coast Guard with 24 years of uniformed service mostly at sea with another 14 years of public service through the Coast Guard as a civilian in Washington DC, during which time they resided in northern Virginia until eventually moving to Northern Rockbridge County.  Virginia highlights include; one daughter graduating from UVA, a granddaughter graduating form JMU and a grandson graduating from and being commissioned into the Army from Virginia Tech.

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