Author: Charlotte Matherly
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RCPS pushes back on threats; Board bans 9th book, and district removes world religions from 4th grade reading
A 14-year-old student posted threats on social media aimed at Broadway High School, J. Frank Hillyard Middle School and Plains Elementary School last week, and while it was determined to be a hoax with no intent to follow through, superintendent Larry Shifflett said the Rockingham County School Board will come down hard on threats of violence.
County school board selects main priorities to guide the next 5 years
School safety, employee retention and student behavior are some of the main focuses for the Rockingham County School Board over the next five years, according to a blueprint in the works Superintendent Larry Shifflett presented at Monday’s meeting.
Rockingham Co. school board debates further restriction on student cell phone use, bans romantic fantasy fiction book
One book temporarily banned by the Rockingham County School Board earlier this year won’t return to library shelves. In its review of the list of 57 titles, this is the first time the school board has voted to permanently remove one.
RCPS board opts to leave Virginia School Board Assoc. for more conservative group
The Rockingham County School Board will leave the well-established Virginia School Boards Association in favor of a newer, more conservative group.
A half-dozen temporarily banned books return to circulation in Rockingham Co. Schools
The Rockingham County School Board returned six more books to library and classroom shelves following their temporary removal earlier this year — but not without dissent from the board member who compiled the list of books to review.
School district’s review of books is underway — but will be done largely out of the public eye
As the Rockingham County school district reviews the 57 books the school board barred from libraries and classrooms in January, the process is expected to stretch throughout the summer and will be completed largely out of the public eye.
Rockingham Co. school board reinstates one banned book as review gets underway
The Rockingham County School Board reinstated one of the 57 books it temporarily removed and barred from library and classroom shelves back in January: “The Invisible Boy” by Trudy Ludwig.