Author: hburgcitizen

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Community Perspective: Health standards needed to protect workers

In response to the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, members of Congress, including Virginia U.S. Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner, tried to get the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to create mandatory and enforceable standards to protect workers, but they were blocked by the current administration that wanted purely voluntary guidelines without inspections or sanctions.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Community Perspective: The Steps and The Square

Friday night, June 5th, hundreds of people gathered in downtown Harrisonburg. Stan Maclin of the Harriet Tubman Cultural Center organized the event and called it Peace Rally Part 2, a sort of sequel to one that occurred a week earlier. This rally was also described as a community forum, a chance for conversation and a time to ask questions of some powerful people in Harrisonburg: Commonwealth Attorney Marsha Garst, Chief of Police Eric English, and Judge Anthony Bailey.


Community Perspective: Oscar Online

A retired acting teacher from JMU reflects on coming out of retirement for his grandchild’s theater class online.


Public Investment in Affordable Housing Needed

Perspectives Piece: Public Investment in Affordable Housing Needed


I wake. Something doesn’t feel right. I lay quiet, trying not to move or make a noise until I am sure of what’s going on. I hear the sounds of snoring and the clank of someone’s weapon banging on his bunk, or maybe against his web gear. Doesn’t sound threatening. It’s ok. Another minute goes by. The flash of fear is gone, but there is still a sense that something is out of place.

Statewide Environmental News Roundup

The scope of the VCEA is far-ranging and far-reaching. It provides a roadmap for the state and its utilities to move away from fossil-fuel-sourced energy and provides authorizations to carry out the Governor’s clean energy mandates in his September 2019 Executive Order 43.

Round two: Reed and Romero answer COVID-19 questions

Harrisonburg Mayor Deanna Reed and Vice-mayor Sal Romero responded, in English and Spanish, to questions submitted by the community about COVID-19 in the city. Some questions have been edited for space and clarity. To submit a question, email [email protected]. English Q: What are your thoughts on the city laying off part-time workers? Do you know …

The state of small businesses during COVID

Recessions are natural occurrences that happen periodically, much like five-mile backups on Interstate 81. More than minor inconveniences, however, recessions can quickly change the business landscape as demand dries up. They are indiscriminate and uncaring about the damage caused. What we are experiencing now is no normal recession, and never have we seen such a ferocious economic nosedive.

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