Author: Kyle Kirby

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Salsa dancing, leather bags, and fresh beer: forgiven loans help local businesses survive COVID

Dancers have once again begun to fill the Friendly City Dance Room, one of the local businesses which has stayed open or reopened with the help of a Disaster Impact Loan from the city.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Gaming offers ‘new horizons’ to a socially distant landscape

With soaring sales during the first month of its U.S. release on March 20, “Animal Crossing: New Horizons” claimed one of the strongest launches of Nintendo’s entire game catalog, as technology media outlet VentureBeat reported.


Downtown culinary district gets creative

Harrisonburg restaurants are finding creative ways to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic – supporting not only themselves, but their customers and community, too. Magpie & Friends drive-thru market is one new service cheering up a now-eerily quiet downtown.


Local seniors navigate social distancing versus social isolation

Seniors at Bridgewater Retirement Community (BRC) haven’t let social distancing make them sluggish, thanks to a batch of iPads purchased by BRC about a year and a half ago. Through Wellzesta, a senior living engagement software, residents are able to interact with their fitness instructors from the comfort and safety of their own rooms.


While visa issues derail Siberian orchestra, Forbes Center moves ahead with international acts

The Forbes Center for the Performing Arts was set to host an internationally-known orchestra earlier this month, but was forced to cancel because of complications with the orchestra’s entry into the United States.


First substance abuse recovery house for women opens in Harrisonburg

January 1, 2020 marked the opening of Harrisonburg’s second Oxford House – the city’s first substance abuse recovery house specifically for women. In November 2018, Oxford House Summit was established for men in recovery. The new home, exclusively for women, is called Oxford House Trillium.


The northward march: entrepreneurs expanding Harrisonburg’s downtown scene

By Kyle Kirby, contributor The northern end of downtown Harrisonburg is abuzz with renovations, as more and more restaurants and businesses set up shop just north of Court Square. The Frame Factory established its Liberty Street location in 2016, and their neighbor Mashita, the local Korean food truck favorite, cut the ribbon on a brick-and-mortar …

In anticipation of MLK Day, gathering expresses hope for racial healing

By Kyle Kirby, contributor On the eve of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, politicians, filmmakers, churchgoers, students, and local citizens gathered at the Lucy F. Simms Continuing Education Center in the name of racial justice and healing.  Sunday’s “Reality of Hope” event, organized by the Northeast Neighborhood Association, Eastern Mennonite University (EMU), and Bethel African …

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