Author: Stephanie Spernak

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JMU prof’s book on bookshops makes NYT bestseller list

First there was the capacity crowd at Parentheses Books for the launch of local author Evan Friss’s new book, “The Bookshop: A History of the American Bookstore.” Then, within a week of its release, the New York Times reported that sales had propelled it to the top ten bestselling nonfiction titles.


Award-winning nature photographer explains ‘intricate dance of underwater life’ in Appalachia

Steven David Johnson, an award-winning conservation photographer, specializes in underwater close-ups of tiny creatures that inhabit freshwater pools found in forested areas in Virginia — including some species found only in this region. Johnson is presenting a multimedia show of his work at 7 p.m. in the main meeting room of the Massanutten Regional Library in Harrisonburg.


Scalpel … forceps … robot? Sentara RMH embraces robot-assisted knee surgeries

No, robots aren’t doing knee joint replacement surgery at Sentara RMH Orthopedic Center — but they are helping, Dr. Mark Williams told a crowd at a seminar earlier this spring. 


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Pieces of radio equipment and computers on a table with tables of "Backup Transceiver," "Linear Amplifier boosts power," "antenna tuner" and "Short wave receiver."

For many local ham radio operators, their hobby is also a way to help

Every April 18 offers a chance for amateur radio operators everywhere—including in the Valley—to celebrate their skills as part of World Amateur Radio Day, an annual event designated by the International Amateur Radio Union. But for area users of amateur radio, also called “ham” radio, the more exciting event comes in two months when dozens of them will come together to participate in a Field Day on June 22-23, where hams will gather and work together to connect with 40,000 other hams across North America.


For joint replacements, outpatient procedures become more common at Sentara RMH

A surgery that used to require a day or two of recovery in the hospital now routinely results in patients going home in a matter of hours with a newly reconstructed joint. 


The Massanutten Regional Library often helps people find answers — now it’s asking patrons for information

Amid broad demographic changes and technological shifts, the Massanutten Regional Library system is finishing gathering public input to help guide its decisions for the next five years. 


Interested in chess in Harrisonburg? Here’s your opening.

In an age of seemingly online everything, Harrisonburg’s local chess club continues to attract new members — and strong competition — in part because many of the players prefer playing their opponent across the table rather than across cyberspace. And at the Harrisonburg Chess Club, which has been a fixture in the city since about 1985, that competition is friendly and recreational with casual instruction mixed in, but also can be intense with some well-established experts among its regulars. 

This sound of music is for the birds

Local pianist Anna Showalter will headline a May 5 free concert with music inspired by birdsongs. The event will close out this year’s “A Book for the ‘Burg” program, co-sponsored by the James Madison University Institute for Stewardship of the Natural Environment.   

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