Category: Elderly Aunt advice

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Hey Elderly Aunt, is it possible to engage about politics on social media without drowning in a cesspool of hate and lies?

One reader wants to know how to avoid the nasty muck of political discussions on social media. so the Elderly Aunt offers her prescription for avoiding Reactive Social Media Posting Disorder.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Hey Elderly Aunt, how can young people be better prepared for the real world?


Hey Elderly Aunt, what advice do you have for me, upon my forthcoming retirement?


Hey Elderly Aunt, how do I tell my parents to turn off the cable news while they watch my child?

My parents watch my youngest child for me maybe once a month. They have a “news” program on a television in their home during almost all waking hours. I am strongly opposed to my child being exposed to the inaccurate and divisive vitriol that this media company is known for. How would you address this, while also expressing appreciation for the childcare?


Hey Elderly Aunt, why do so many of us reach a point when we stop seeking out new music to enjoy?

Oh my, dear reader! Your question smacked the Elderly Aunt right upside the head.

Hey Elderly Aunt, are ghosts real?

Well, dear reader …

Hey Elderly Aunt, how do I stop feeling like an inadequate parent/spouse/ professional?

Hey Elderly Aunt, I love my family, and I love my job. I put a lot of effort into spending enough time with both, but it never feels like it’s enough. Admittedly, I’m a perfectionist, but the constant juggling act and feeling of never having enough time takes away from my enjoyment of both my family and my work. How do I let go of this feeling that I can’t be an adequate parent/spouse and professional?  

Hey Elderly Aunt, what the heck happened to the Baby Boomers’ moral compass?

Hey Elderly Aunt, I am confused by the overall change in the Baby Boomer generation. They were the Summer of Love and Give Peace a Chance generation, created Earth Day, and helped unify to push for Civil Rights. Now this same generation scapegoats non-white immigrants, supports rolling back important safety nets for our environment.

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