Category: Harrisonburg Issues
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After a year of high demand for pets, area animal shelter is suddenly at capacity
The Rockingham/Harrisonburg SPCA has a problem, the scope of which it hasn’t had to deal with in a couple years.
In a school featuring ‘stewardship’ learning, solar array will be the newest teaching tool
Shortly after Bluestone Elementary School opened in 2017, third grade students buried milk containers on the school grounds.
Local YA author finds his voice and his calling
Lamar Giles’ boss pulled him aside. She had to let one of her computer programmers go, she said, but if Giles still wanted the job, it wouldn’t be him.
Pandemic-era parties led to lots of warnings, and a handful of stiffer sanctions
Daniel Cindea was standing on the deck of his friend’s townhouse in mid-March, sipping out of a Smirnoff Ice “Smash” can and talking to friends about whatever people talk about at parties. Others, all JMU students like Cindea, were smoking cigarettes, drinking similar drinks and laughing.
Harrisonburg to retain metropolitan designation until at least 2030
Harrisonburg will maintain its status as a metropolitan statistical area for at least the next decade – news the city was happy to receive last week. That’s when the U.S. Office of Management and Budget announced it would continue to classify communities with a population of at least 50,000 in the core city as an MSA.
A tribute to our Elderly Aunt
Dear Readers, Martha Woodroof was our Elderly Aunt. But she will always be so much more.
‘Never miss a deadline’ and other lessons from Martha Woodroof
When I was reporting regularly for WMRA, where Martha worked for many years, she and I would occasionally meet for lunch and talk shop. During one of these times, I confessed to her that I was supposed to have filed a story that morning but still wasn’t quite done. I hadn’t thought it was a terribly big deal until she cut me down to size.