Category: Perspectives

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Community Perspective: Recognizing Cal Redekop’s lifetime of stewardship

For many people, climate change is the biggest existential threat humans face. While many of the biggest advocates for action are the young, closer to home one equally impassioned person doing all he can is Cal Redekop, age 94. Being in his tenth decade hasn’t stopped him from curbing his carbon footprint to help preserve the environment.


Community Perspective: Fore! A change in course if no new high school in 2022

Harrisonburg city leaders are working to solve the complex problem of Harrisonburg High School overcrowding. The school board, working with limits set by a previous city council, is proposing that a second high school open for the 2022-23 school year (Plan A). The city council vote is anticipated on December 10th, after a public hearing.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Harrisonburg Takes On The Citizen – Part One

As part of our first birthday celebrations, we asked community members to submit a piece about Harrisonburg – it’s past, present, and future. This is part one in the series: “What makes this off-year election so important? Redistricting.”


Community Perspective: Climate Strike

What a wonderful two days Harrisonburg citizens have just had! On September 20 and 27, our youth came together at Court Square loudly and seriously to say they’re worried about their futures.

Community Perspectives: Banana

A contributed Perspectives piece by Emma Schwertfuehrer A month ago, when I ate a banana for breakfast, I didn’t think a whole lot about it. This morning, however, as I cut up a banana for my oatmeal, I wondered who picked it. I wondered if, somewhere, thousands of miles away, the person who picked my banana …

Perspectives: My image (and others’ perceptions)

I was sent to go door-to-door with a friend of mine, who was from the area. She is white, blonde and an American girl. I came to the U.S. in 2016 from Kurdistan region of Iraq. Every time she rang the bell, we were met by nice people with a great sense of welcoming. The first time I rang the bell, a gentleman opened the door. He asked me with a stern tone: “What do you want?”

A reflection on Memorial Day, 2019

Let the Words Fly

Once, maybe twice a year I get to let loose

in salty language with others

who once wore the same cloth. We

Community Perspective: Recycling is more difficult than ever, but JMU students can spark the change

With the 50th anniversary of Earth Day approaching in April 2020,  James Madison University students should contemplate how we can implement the university’s mantra of “being the change” when it comes to our environmental impact. Whether making small or large changes, there is much we can do both individually and collectively right here on campus and in Harrisonburg.

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