Tag: aging

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‘What else can we do enliven ourselves and not just cope?’

Old age. Many spend life dreading it, fearing it and even fighting it. But maybe that’s the wrong approach. A collection of essays released this year argues that the later season of life can be as — or more — fulfilling and meaningful as other points.


Hey Elderly Aunt, help me convince my husband to stop driving (half) blind

Dear Elderly Aunt, My husband’s eyesight is getting worse. I’m no longer comfortable being a passenger in the car with him and have told him so. I do the driving when we both go places. But he still gets behind the wheel to drive himself into town. This is making me more nervous, but his license doesn’t expire for another 18 months, and he keeps saying he’ll be OK until then. I don’t want to just hide the keys, so how would you suggest I firmly but delicately address this issue with him?



Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

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