Tag: book ban

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A colorful book held in someone's hands

Seven more books banned from Rockingham Co. schools

The Rockingham County School Board voted Monday to permanently ban seven books from its library shelves, despite five of them being recommended by the district’s Content Review Committee to be kept in schools.


Rockingham Co. school board debates further restriction on student cell phone use, bans romantic fantasy fiction book

One book temporarily banned by the Rockingham County School Board earlier this year won’t return to library shelves. In its review of the list of 57 titles, this is the first time the school board has voted to permanently remove one.


Rockingham Co. school board reinstates one banned book as review gets underway

The Rockingham County School Board reinstated one of the 57 books it temporarily removed and barred from library and classroom shelves back in January: “The Invisible Boy” by Trudy Ludwig.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

A person holds the book "Drama"

Many Rockingham Co. parents and school staff have opinions and almost all have questions about book policies

“A joke,” one person called them. “Politically motivated disaster,” opined another. A “confusing, unnecessary overreach,” said one more — a sentiment that was repeated, just with different wording, in other responses. These were a few people’s opinions on the Rockingham County School Board’s proposed policies to determine selection and challenge criteria for library books, according to survey responses obtained by The Citizen through a Freedom of Information Act request.

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