Tag: EMU

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Local universities adjust counseling center services to meet increased demand

College students at Harrisonburg’s universities are increasingly seeking out help from counseling centers — part of a nationwide trend of colleges trying to keep up with mental health issues among this generation of students. That has forced JMU and EMU’s counseling centers to get creative in order to serve every student that comes through their doors.


Criminal justice forum showcases experiences of the formerly incarcerated

Phillip Newborn hasn’t had an easy life. He grew up in a home that grew marijuana and made whiskey — both things his parents, and eventually he, abused. He fractured his spine in three places in a tractor-trailer accident and recently suffered a heart attack.


The Global Climate Strike comes to Harrisonburg

This Friday, people around the world will be walking out of schools and work to take part in Global Climate Strikes, and Harrisonburg environmentalists will be holding their own Global Climate Strike at Court Square that afternoon.


Dozens planned to come from across the globe to EMU for peace building training. But many got blocked.

For almost 25 years, the Summer Peacebuilding Institute at EMU has hosted scholars, delegates and community leaders from around the world to Harrisonburg to explore the nature of conflicts and ways to handle them. But this summer, many aspiring peacebuilders got turned away because the U.S. government wouldn’t approve travel visas so they could enter the country to attend the sessions, which ran from May 13-June 14.




Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

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