Tag: energy

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Statewide environmental news roundup – December 2023 (Part I)

After securing control of both chambers of the Virginia General Assembly in the November elections, Democrats will have a new opportunity during the 2024 session to fill two long-time vacancies on the State Corporation Commission, the state body that regulates utilities, insurance, banking and business in Virginia.


Statewide environmental news roundup – November 2023

“A new report found Dominion Energy’s Integrated Resource Plan does not align with Virginia’s climate goals. Dominion wants to keep using gas and coal-fired power plants, citing data center expansion in Northern Virginia but the Virginia Clean Economy Act mandated Dominion to use 100% renewable electricity by 2045. Dominion’s plan does meet Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s energy plan, which relies on both fossil fuels and renewables.”


Statewide environmental news roundup – September 2023 (Part II)

The State Corporation Commission [SCC] could soon be unable to rule on cases before it for the first time in Virginia history because it has only one judge sitting on the bench.


Virginia environmental news roundup – September 2023 (Part I)


Statewide environmental news roundup – August 2023

By a wide margin, Northern Virginia is the No. 1 site for data centers in the country and the world. These highly specialized buildings house the computer servers and routers that make digital interconnectivity possible…. Ashburn, Va., is the epicenter of “Data Center Alley,” anchoring a collection of nearly 300 data centers, scattered across Loudoun, Fairfax and Prince William counties, handling more than a third of the world’s online traffic. Many more are in the planning stages or currently under construction.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Statewide environmental news roundup – July 2023 (Part II)

“A major reform of how Virginia regulates the electricity monopoly Dominion Energy is cutting power bills [effective July 1]. It [ends] three surcharges.… it clears the way for a program to ease the impact of Dominion’s pass-through of fuel costs to ratepayers


Statewide environmental news roundup – May 2023

Dominion issued its latest long-range Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Governor Youngkin announced that the 2023 IRP “validates [his] energy plan released in October 2022….” The plan calls for “new gas plants [and] advanced nuclear [that Dominion said] will be needed to meet soaring demand.” “Renewables alone aren’t expected to meet a projected increase in demand for electricity in the coming decades, Dominion … said in [its] … filing …. That means the state’s largest electric utility may seek to keep most of its existing power stations online for decades to come and seek to build additional small natural gas and nuclear units.”

Statewide environmental news roundup – April 2023 (Part II)

A facility that stores renewable energy is coming to Chesapeake — but its development has raised concern among elected officials and residents about what say the city has in the matter. It will be the first of its kind in the city and will help provide emission-free renewable energy to the electrical grid as part of Virginia’s clean energy initiative.

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