Tag: pandemic

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Here’s a time capsule of some of Harrisonburg’s COVID-19 time capsules

JMU students created a podcast series. One parent is keeping an illustrated journal. The pandemic has inspired an 8-year-old to be his neighborhood’s reporter. And middle school students are crafting poetry to capture the moment. While the long-term effects of the current crisis are still unclear, these creators are curating a kind of time capsule for themselves, their friends and family and future generations who might inevitably ask, “Grandma, what was Coronavirus like?”


Round two: Reed and Romero answer COVID-19 questions


Gaming offers ‘new horizons’ to a socially distant landscape

With soaring sales during the first month of its U.S. release on March 20, “Animal Crossing: New Horizons” claimed one of the strongest launches of Nintendo’s entire game catalog, as technology media outlet VentureBeat reported.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

In conference call, Sen. Warner hears about successful steps and continued anxiety over COVID-19 in Hburg

On April 29, six weeks after the passage of the federal CARES Act, Sen. Mark Warner (D) spoke by phone with several business and community leaders in Harrisonburg, including Mayor Deanna Reed and JMU President Jonathan Alger. The virtual meeting was one in a series of calls Warner has been holding with leaders across Virginia to hear how their communities have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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