Tag: voting

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Dozens are gathering at Court Square until all votes are counted

With ballots still being counted in several swing states and the race between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden still too close to call, a small group took to the streets on Thursday to demand that all votes be counted – including in Harrisonburg.


What to expect locally as votes are cast and counted

While many voters will head to the polls Tuesday, the precincts won’t be nearly as crowded as past presidential elections now that a total of about 40 percent of Harrisonburg voters already cast ballots either at the early voting precinct at City Hall or through the mail.


With 18 more days until the election, about one-fifth of Hburg voters already have cast ballots

More than 5,400 Harrisonburg residents have already cast their ballots since early voting began last month, according to figures the city registrar’s office provided to The Citizen. That includes 3,507 voters who cast their ballots early in-person at City Hall, as of Thursday. Another 1,167 absentee ballots — out of the 4,102 that were mailed out — have already been returned by mail and 861 people have delivered their ballots in person.


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Have questions about absentee ballots? Not sure who’s running locally in the November election? Here’s what you need to know.

Mail-in and in-person absentee balloting will begin later this month, and more voters are expected to choose that option than in past elections in an effort to avoid crowded polling precincts during this era of social distancing. So here’s The Citizen’s guide to what Harrisonburg voters need to know about casting their ballots in 2020.


Pandemic’s effects shift the democratic process online and adds challenges for local candidates

With three city council seats and city three city school board seats up for election in Harrisonburg this November, the candidates are having to altering their campaign styles — and even how their process for filing to run — in the wake of COVID-19.

Legislative Q and A: As session begins, Wilt prepares for budget, ERA, absentee voting and gun debates

With the 2020 General Assembly session beginning today, Del. Tony Wilt, R-Broadway, answered questions about how he expects to approach key issues, such as the Equal Rights Amendment, the commonwealth’s budget, what’s next with I-81, what it will be like serving in the minority and what he views as a threat of “radicals.”

Hey Elderly Aunt, I’m tired of politics, so should I send a message by not voting?

Hey Elderly Aunt, I’m so tired of politics on all levels. I read your response to a reader about how to find news we can trust. It was fine advice, but I’m not sure why it matters anymore. Politicians are going to lie, so what’s the point of spending so much energy on them? And I know I’m not alone, based on conversations with my friends. Wouldn’t it send a clearer message about our collective frustration if we all chose not to vote?

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