Tag: Elderly Aunt

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I met someone online, and we connected. Now she’s ghosting me. Hey Elderly Aunt, what should I do?

Dear Elderly Aunt: A few weeks ago I met someone online, and we immediately hit it off. We texted with each other regularly and had a fun banter going back and forth. Just when I thought this weekend might be the weekend for us to meet up, she disappeared! I haven’t heard from her in days, despite reaching out to her several times. Everything was going so well until then! How do I know whether to keep making contact or to call it quits? What if we might have lived happily ever after? What if we were exactly who we needed?! What if I never get the RBG cross-stitch that she promised to make me?!! Help!!


Hey Elderly Aunt, my wife is clearly not the favorite in her family — should I say something?

My wife comes from a big family, and she is clearly not the favorite child of her parents. This annoys me when, at large family gatherings, her parents boast about the other two siblings and say very little about her. I will often chime in to talk about her accomplishments, but how can I tactfully tell her parents that their favoritism annoys me — even if my wife doesn’t claim to be bothered by it? 


Hey Elderly Aunt, how can I stop myself from binge watching everything?

Hey Elderly Aunt, I think I binge watch too much. I find myself so hooked on shows, that I keep watching them much later than I think I should even before having to work early in the morning. How can I impose some self-discipline and shut off the TV? 


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Hey Elderly Aunt, what’s so special about cats?

Hey Elderly Aunt, a friend of mine told me he went to CatVideoFest 2019 at Court Square Theater. He said the place was packed, while fests on other subjects often draw audiences in the single digits. So what’s so special about cats?

Hey Elderly Aunt, is it possible to engage about politics on social media without drowning in a cesspool of hate and lies?

One reader wants to know how to avoid the nasty muck of political discussions on social media. so the Elderly Aunt offers her prescription for avoiding Reactive Social Media Posting Disorder.

Hey Elderly Aunt, how can young people be better prepared for the real world?

What do you think young people are most unprepared for when they move out of their parents’ houses? What kind of stuff would we need to learn in school to really prepare us for life? First of all, the Elderly Aunt assumes that any parents who read this advice really do want their children to …

Hey Elderly Aunt, what advice do you have for me, upon my forthcoming retirement?

Hey Elderly Aunt, what advice do you have for me, upon my retirement this July? The Elderly Aunt is well aware that she is a bug about semantics, but she cannot offer retirement advice without first bridling at the term “retirement.” For her, “retirement” smacks too much of us — the elderlies — being encouraged (if not commanded) …

Hey Elderly Aunt, how do I tell my parents to turn off the cable news while they watch my child?

My parents watch my youngest child for me maybe once a month. They have a “news” program on a television in their home during almost all waking hours. I am strongly opposed to my child being exposed to the inaccurate and divisive vitriol that this media company is known for. How would you address this, while also expressing appreciation for the childcare?

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