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Hburg Police Department makes changes in response to protests and suggestions
The Harrisonburg Police Department added a provision to its use-of-force policy as part of changes in response to recent community feedback and racial justice efforts, Chief Eric English told the city council Tuesday.
Here’s a time capsule of some of Harrisonburg’s COVID-19 time capsules
JMU students created a podcast series. One parent is keeping an illustrated journal. The pandemic has inspired an 8-year-old to be his neighborhood’s reporter. And middle school students are crafting poetry to capture the moment. While the long-term effects of the current crisis are still unclear, these creators are curating a kind of time capsule for themselves, their friends and family and future generations who might inevitably ask, “Grandma, what was Coronavirus like?”
With CARES Act funding, city housing agency launches drive to recruit landlords
Landlords in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County have an opportunity to get some guaranteed on-time rent payments and a few other incentives while also lending a helping hand to some of the area’s most vulnerable residents.
Financial escape velocity
A contributed perspective by Stephan J. Hess, CFP Editor’s Note: This is another installment of a monthly series of contributed pieces addressing financial matters. A rocket needs a massive amount of energy and speed to escape earth’s atmosphere and gravitational pull. Once in space, it can accelerate easily and pretty much go anywhere it pleases …
Community Perspective: Health standards needed to protect workers
In response to the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, members of Congress, including Virginia U.S. Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner, tried to get the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to create mandatory and enforceable standards to protect workers, but they were blocked by the current administration that wanted purely voluntary guidelines without inspections or sanctions.
Local reports of child and domestic abuse during COVID lockdown mirror wider trends
For people whose homes aren’t safe places, COVID-19 and the subsequent stay-at-home orders represent a dangerous double bind: unsafe to leave, unsafe to stay. Over the past three months, local reports of domestic violence are on the rise. Meanwhile, child abuse or neglect reports have declined, leaving local responders bracing for a spike in cases that may have gone unnoticed during the spring.
On and off campus, pressure mounts to rename several buildings at JMU
In a public ceremony in the fall of 1917, six buildings on Bluestone Hill — the center of campus for what was then the State Normal and Industrial School for Women — were renamed. And for the last 103 years, four of the six have borne the monikers of men who were slaveowners or confederates.
Harrisonburg schools superintendent suggests revising relationship with police department
Harrisonburg City Public Schools will review — and potentially revise — the district’s relationship with the Harrisonburg Police Department, which has four school resource officers placed across the schools. Superintendent Michael Richards brought the item to the school board’s work session on Tuesday.