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No fireworks? No problem. Soccer, swimming, sun and a Declaration of Independence reading mark Hburg’s July 4 weekend
With Harrisonburg cancelling its annual Friendly City Fourth festival and fireworks display due to the pandemic, area residents found other ways to commemorate Independence Day — some with and some without social distancing.
Great Community Give success boosts Massanetta Springs operations for now
The scenic grounds in the shadow of Massanutten Mountain just east of Harrisonburg are quiet now, the way they have been since the COVID-19 pandemic shut things down in mid-March. However, last week’s Great Community Give fundraising event, an initiative of The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County, provided a bit of relief.
City schools’ plan for fall would mean fewer students in buildings at once, more online learning
Alternating students’ attendance days, more virtual learning and temperature checks at the door are hallmarks of the upcoming academic year that’s beginning to take shape for Harrisonburg city students.
Even recycling looks a little different in a pandemic
The city, earlier this month, reopened its recycling center on Beery Road after a more than 11-week hiatus because of the COVID-19 pandemic. For some residents, it was a welcome return to help clear the backlog of cardboard, cans and plastic containers. Others have been seeking out the mobile recycling unit — which kept operating — each week to make sure they’re doing their part for the environment.
How one conversation helped save area farmers markets this year
Back in the early days of COVID-19, neighbors Josie Showalter and Seán McCarthy were walking their dogs when the conversation shifted to the pandemic’s economic effects. Showalter, the manager of the Harrisonburg Farmers Market, told McCarthy, a JMU professor, about how customers were staying home — and away from the farmers market.
Hey Elderly Aunt, how can we safely celebrate our co-worker before she leaves for a new job?
A friend and coworker accepted a new job in a different city and will be leaving Harrisonburg soon. In the time of social distancing, what’s the best way for us to honor her before she leaves? There are more than 10 of us in this department, so the usual party isn’t feasible and simply doing a virtual card seems inadequate. Any ideas would be wonderful.
As city voting patterns change, two council candidates face an increasingly difficult task: win as non-Democrats
If a decade-long trend holds true, two candidates in this year’s five-way race for three seats on the Harrisonburg City Council will face longer odds than the three Democratic nominees chosen earlier this year.
What happens when the head of a retirement community gets diagnosed with COVID-19?
When Rodney Alderfer, president of the Bridgewater Retirement Community, found out he had tested positive for COVID-19 on June 2, he knew that he and the senior leadership team with whom he worked had to quarantine for two weeks to protect each other, as well as the community’s residents — who, because of their age, are among those most at risk.