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For many local ham radio operators, their hobby is also a way to help
Every April 18 offers a chance for amateur radio operators everywhere—including in the Valley—to celebrate their skills as part of World Amateur Radio Day, an annual event designated by the International Amateur Radio Union. But for area users of amateur radio, also called “ham” radio, the more exciting event comes in two months when dozens of them will come together to participate in a Field Day on June 22-23, where hams will gather and work together to connect with 40,000 other hams across North America.
University Walks
There are two walks I often take on the campus of the large public university in the Friendly City: the Lake Way and the Hillside Way.
Return of the new school day: Superintendent suggests new approach for adjusting school start and end times
After the collapse of an effort to change city schools’ start and end times, Superintendent Michael Richards unveiled his plans for a sequel: one he hopes has a better ending.
New draft of Westover Skate Park designs to be unveiled soon
Harrisonburg officials have received American Ramp Company’s proposed designs for the new Westover Skate Park and will unveil the designs to the public in the next couple weeks, following controversy with last year’s original design.
Total Eclipse
It was no small miracle that seven people in my family–ages 8 to 91–and I viewed the total eclipse together from the same spot on a grassy bank at a service plaza of the Ohio turnpike on April 8. The four minutes of collective awe we experienced while viewing an uncommon celestial ring of light affirms that we can be joyful as a family.
This week, on a First Friday, when the Friendly City filled with walkers exploring the art and music that sprang up all over downtown, I was struck by the way the character of the city seemed encapsulated by its two bookstores: Parentheses and Downtown Books.
City leaders mull 8-cent property tax increase to pay for new school’s opening, other services
The City Council is considering a proposed increase in the real estate tax next year, which would be the largest single increase in recent years and would take that tax rate to $1.04 for every $100 of assessed value on property.