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State environmental news roundup – August 2021

A proposed Botetourt County wind farm in missed a deadline in the approval process; the developer appealed that determination. Offshore wind (OSW) is coming to Virginia and the State Corporation Commission has opened a docket anticipating a “coming application from Dominion Energy Virginia for its massive offshore wind proposal”; a blogger discusses pros and cons. OSW is under review for the North Carolina coast; if built, some of the energy produced would be sold to the Virginia market. Area residents differ in their receptiveness to the prospect of large wind turbines offshore.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Campus newspaper’s year-long quest for more JMU Covid data leads to court

According to court papers filed by James Madison University, it was not tracking COVID numbers in any kind of database during the largest peak of positive COVID-19 cases on campus at the start of the fall 2020 semester. That information came to light during a hearing between Jake Conley, editor-in-chief of The Breeze and an attorney representing JMU in Rockingham County Circuit Court on Thursday morning.


UVa demographer: 2020 Census appears to undercount city by more than 2,000

Immediately east of Interstate 81, between the Stone Spring bypass and Reservoir Street and split down the middle by Port Republic Road, Census Tract 2.07 is the heartland of JMU off-campus housing. According to figures from the 2020 Census, released last week, the tract was home to 6,088 people on April 1 of that year.


Downtown events will proceed as planned, but not without some hand-wringing

Underscoring how covid-19 continues to complicate even routine approvals of event permits, Harrisonburg city council members engaged in a back-and-forth over whether to regulate upcoming outdoor events — and if so how.

Missing ABC paperwork forces bar owner to take another shot

The taco part of the new Tequila Taco Bar is pretty much ready, but the restaurant’s opening is delayed because of the tequila portion of its business model. 

Area disc golf enthusiasts endure the ups and downs

Dan Castle made his way up the first hole of the Westover Park disc golf course, the steepest climb of the 21. On his second throw, the disc caught a bad bounce off the ground and began rolling backward down the hill, seemingly traveling further by ground than it did through the air. 

The Importance of the County Fair

While most people are familiar with what a county fair is, few may realize why we have them. The Rockingham Fair Association, which hosts the annual county fair, just outside the city limits south of Harrisonburg, states it held its first fair in 1949, although other local organizations held fairs in various locations around the county prior to that date. The history of the county fair in America, however, began much earlier.

McAuliffe and Youngkin offer different visions for shift to clean energy in the Valley

Virginia’s candidates for governor agree on at least one thing: transitioning to clean energy needs to happen. But that’s about the extent of the common ground between Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Glenn Youngkin. 

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