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Regular riders hope for different direction with planned transit hub
Alec Dickey is waiting for the Number 2 bus to the Valley Mall, cleaning a skinned knee with a bottle of water and some wadded-up fast-food napkins after tripping on the way to the Harrisonburg Department of Transportation’s (HDPT) transit hub. It’s not the biggest hassle Dickey has endured getting around town, but the 24-year old city resident sees it as a regular part of life without a vehicle.
JMU 2020 grads will finally get their graduation – if they go
A year and four months after earning their degrees, JMU’s class of 2020 will walk the stage Sept. 3. The graduates will become the first class to move their tassels at the Atlantic Union Bank Center, which opened in Nov. 2020. But some alumni feel it’s too little, too late.
Statewide environmental news roundup – June 2021
Dominion has approval to continue operating the Surry nuclear plant for another 20 years. Google’s Loudoun County data center will be powered by carbon-free energy for 10 years. The EPA awarded Virginia’s DEQ $300,000 to convert “brownfields” into sites producing renewable energy. Southwest Virginia solar advocates are pleased at a new contract between Appalachian Power (ApCo) and several of its jurisdictional customers that will allow them to use Power Purchase Agreement arrangements to put solar on their schools and other facilities.
Financial Insanity
Every day we move around in our communities observing and interacting with the world around us. Our brains are constantly processing and analyzing information. This is a good thing, since it generally keeps us out of trouble. Unfortunately, this constant analyzing can turn into the incessant comparing and critical judgement of others. It is hard not to look around and observe neighbors, friends, and coworkers and see what is going on in their lives. Normally this is not a problem, but if we allow ourselves to somehow feel inadequate because of it, it could lead to unhealthy changes in our own behavior.
Dedication will honor railway worker who sought to ‘go out with his boots on’
Walter P. “Tinky” Bryan’s life was nourished by his work and his dedication to the railroad. In some ways, he delayed death by delaying retirement from an industry that has always had an age limit of 65.But Bryan, the very epitome of the lunchpail-toting everyman, was, in the end, mortal.
SRO task force meeting gets a little testy
Representatives from the Harrisonburg Police Department provided their perspective Wednesday night to the Harrisonburg City Public Schools’ task force that’s evaluating the role of school resource officers and were met with a mixture of appreciation, skepticism, support — and some pushback.
City news roundup: New school’s cost expected to go up; HEC to end electric rate discounts
Because of building materials’ rising costs, Harrisonburg’s second high school could cost an additional $7.7 million, according to an estimate presented to city and school district leaders Tuesday.
Just how much did last year set the city’s budget back?
Larry Propst, by his own admission, is not an economist. His job, as city director of finance, is to help set the city budget — he calls it “entirely different” from the work of an economist. And on March 14, 2020 — a Saturday — Propst watched as the city of Harrisonburg declared a state of emergency as COVID-19 spread nationwide. Over the next several months, Harrisonburg administrators — Propst’s office included — would watch the city’s finances plummet as tax revenue from restaurants, hotels and other businesses shriveled. Within weeks, millions of city tax dollars vanished.