Tag: advice

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Hey Elderly Aunt, my friend was accused of a crime, and it’s affecting our friendship

Someone I had considered a friend was accused of a crime, and I’m having a hard time not letting it affect my opinion of her and, as a result, our friendship … It’s made me seriously question whether to continue our friendship. Am I in the wrong for letting something that didn’t directly affect me end a decade-long friendship? And what would you recommend that I do next?


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Dear Elderly Aunt, was I wrong to call the paramedics for a sick colleague?

I called the emergency squad because I didn’t know how to handle it and she wasn’t immediately responsive. It turns out she has a chronic medical condition, which I didn’t know about. And she’s angry at me for calling the paramedics, which she views as an over-reaction … Was I wrong to call the paramedics? What should I do now because I still have to work with this person?


Hey Elderly Aunt, how do I convince my parents that I have a plan to chase my dreams?

I’ve always wanted to open a new business … But at some point, I’m going to have to quit my current job to launch and make it work. I’ve told my parents about it, and they think I’d be silly and reckless to do that with COVID still going on. What could I do or tell them to show them I’m not being reckless?


Hey Elderly Aunt, help me help my daughter avoid cyberbullying

Like many parents, I’m concerned about the fall school year but not just because of the uncertainty that comes with online learning. My daughter, who is in middle school, has already been the target of bullying. Some other girls in her grade criticized her clothes and appearance and her music choices last year. She’s not eager to share with me but she had a couple of friends from church who are in her grade, though not in her classes, that I think she sometimes confided in. I worry that the bullying might resume in the form of cyberbullying and without her ability to connect with others in person, I’m afraid the isolation will only compound the problem. What can I do as a parent to help her navigate this? Thanks for helping me.


Hey Elderly Aunt, help me convince my husband to stop driving (half) blind

Dear Elderly Aunt, My husband’s eyesight is getting worse. I’m no longer comfortable being a passenger in the car with him and have told him so. I do the driving when we both go places. But he still gets behind the wheel to drive himself into town. This is making me more nervous, but his license doesn’t expire for another 18 months, and he keeps saying he’ll be OK until then. I don’t want to just hide the keys, so how would you suggest I firmly but delicately address this issue with him?

Hey Elderly Aunt, how do I handle my granny’s guilt trips about not visiting her in a pandemic?

Dear Elderly Aunt: My grandmother, who is in her late 80s, has been on me for weeks about us coming to visit her two states away. Now she’s really laying on the guilt, especially when it comes to seeing our kids, who are both under the age of four …

Hey Elderly Aunt, how do we break it to our families that we’re goin’ to the courthouse — not the chapel?

Dear Elderly Aunt, My long-time boyfriend and I have decided to get married! We had planned to do it eventually, but with the coronavirus and all, we decided there was no reason to delay. Especially since we didn’t care about having a big fancy wedding. Our only concern is about how to break the news to our families. While we would have wanted a city hall ceremony even in a non-crisis, how do we reassure them that this is the right decision for us?

Hey Elderly Aunt, how do I help my sister who might be quarantining with a verbally abusive girlfriend?

Dear Elderly Aunt, My sister has been living with her girlfriend for nearly a year. I went out with them in public a few times. That was back when we could all go out. They seemed to get along fine. But my sister, let’s call her “Jane,” has been making comments to me since the quarantine began that suggest her girlfriend can be verbally abusive. Maybe it’s just stress of being around each other 24-7. I’ve asked her point blank if she feels threatened and she emphatically said no. But I worry that Jane is in a damaging relationship and might not realize it. What should I do or can I do?

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