Tag: City Council

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City takes next step in considering golf course’s future; Schools look to ‘creative’ solutions for summer and fall classes

After years of debate over whether the city should be subsidizing a golf course, the Harrisonburg City Council on Tuesday began entertaining different options to potentially scale back Heritage Oaks golf course’s operations and asked city staff to hire a consultant to help in making a final decision.


All hands on deck: Inside the city’s response to COVID-19

Each Tuesday and Thursday morning, Helmuth and City Manager Eric Campbell hold a conference call with the heads of every city department to provide updates and share how the pandemic is affecting their work. It’s one of the many ways COVID-19 has affected — and changed — city government.


As COVID-19 cases increase, council looks to provide some relief

As the COVID-19 pandemic escalates in the Central Shenandoah Health District, the Harrisonburg City Council is considering emergency measures to offer relief to citizens and businesses by waiving certain late fees.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Possibly delaying the new high school by a year hints at the city’s tough financial decisions to come

Harrisonburg leaders are looking at a starkly different financial reality now than they were less than four months ago when the city council approved the $100 million needed to build and open a second high school, which has the Harrisonburg School Board considering a one-year delay of its construction.

Hburg Democrats set May 2 firehouse primary to select 3 city council candidates for November

The Harrisonburg Democratic Committee finalized plans to hold a firehouse primary Saturday, May 2, to elect nominees for the Harrisonburg city council.

Politics and potholes: Hburg council members adjust to public service in a hyperpartisan climate

Beyond water and sewer infrastructure and traffic studies, sometimes local public service gets downright political — like last month’s discussion of establishing Harrisonburg as a “Second Amendment sanctuary.” It was a reminder that even local officials who are far removed from multi-million-dollar presidential campaigns or Washington’s hot-button issues du jour can’t escape the type of debates that fuel national politics.

First family to use city meeting interpreter service ask council to help with rental problems

Members of a Harrisonburg family who speak Spanish were the first to use the Harrisonburg City Council’s new simultaneous interpreter service when they asked for help at Tuesday’s meeting with a housing problem.

Community justice planner hired; Council approves first small houses in new zoning class 

Starting March 9, Harrisonburg and Rockingham County will have a criminal justice planner, an addition to the court system for which local justice advocates have long been campaigning.

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