Tag: counseling

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A woman clasps her hands in joy in the center of busy room as people talk to each other.

Adagio House seeks to provide respite and support for caregivers

April Hepler has known that she wanted to be a psychotherapist since she was in middle school and had imagined creating a retreat center since she was in college. Then, when her son was born with disabilities, her professional and personal experiences intersected and led her to found the nonprofit organization Adagio House in September 2019. 


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

‘Providing support and encouragement.’ How former inmates are paying it forward.

Charles Kelly was arrested for the last time in August 2001. He’d been incarcerated for a few different stints over the years because of his cocaine and heroin addictions. This time, he had a two-year sentence to serve – the final six months of which he spent at Gemeinschaft Home in Harrisonburg, a therapeutic residential program for those under court supervision or leaving incarceration.


JMU students try to adjust and keep anxiety in check amid an ever-changing semester

For both new JMU students and returning students who went through the abrupt shift to online classes in the spring, the university’s move this week to online classes amid a spike in COVID-19 cases has stoked anxiety and confusion.


School therapy provider accustomed to adaptation

In a public school setting where students vastly outnumber teachers, some children need more support than what the school’s personnel can provide. For more than a decade in Harrisonburg, this gap has been filled by government-supported in-school therapy, known as Therapeutic Day Treatment. Now that schools are closed for the remainder of the academic year, though, providers are scrambling to find ways to reach the students who need them.

Local universities adjust counseling center services to meet increased demand

College students at Harrisonburg’s universities are increasingly seeking out help from counseling centers — part of a nationwide trend of colleges trying to keep up with mental health issues among this generation of students. That has forced JMU and EMU’s counseling centers to get creative in order to serve every student that comes through their doors.

‘You should be happy.’ How one mom’s postpartum experience led her to find help in the Valley — and happiness

Three weeks and two days after my son was born, I left a voicemail for my son’s pediatrician — desperate for advice about sleep. I was blaming my lack of sleep on the baby. I thought maybe I was failing as a mother to provide him with enough milk. In reality, he was fine. I, however, was not.

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