Tag: dealing with racism

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Elderly Aunt, what do I do about my mom who’s becoming openly racist?

Elderly Aunt, please help. How does one deal with the heartache of their own mother, who lives nearby, and with whom they have a close relationship, switching from being mostly silently racist, to becoming vocally racist? I feel more heartbroken than when I lost a loved one to dementia.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Perspectives: My image (and others’ perceptions)

I was sent to go door-to-door with a friend of mine, who was from the area. She is white, blonde and an American girl. I came to the U.S. in 2016 from Kurdistan region of Iraq. Every time she rang the bell, we were met by nice people with a great sense of welcoming. The first time I rang the bell, a gentleman opened the door. He asked me with a stern tone: “What do you want?”


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