Tag: developers
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City adds restrictions on data centers, allows for developers to pay for public upgrades in zoning applications
Cash proffers — in which developers pay to offset effects on the community like necessary road expansions — will now be permitted in zoning applications after a 4-1 city council vote in favor of the change. City officials explained that all zoning requests would still be considered and adjusted individually, but allowance for cash proffers will provide more flexibility in zoning decisions.
Could ending single-family-only zoning ease city’s housing crunch?
City officials say one way to allow for more affordable housing in Harrisonburg could potentially be another zoning change — one that makes it easier for developers to build duplexes in town.
Council approves some businesses’ requests, but denies junkyard permit
Several local businesses, including a food truck and a townhome developer, got green lights for special use permits or rezoning, but the city council on Tuesday also denied a permit request for a junkyard.