Tag: Earth Day

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Cohousing members celebrate Earth Day where they plan to grow a community

On a warm, sunny Saturday, members of a Harrisonburg cohousing group hosted an open House to celebrate Earth Day at the future site of their community, Juniper Hill Commons, which could begin construction before the end of the year.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Valley businesses to showcase their sustainability efforts

After years of making potato chips in fairly tight quarters, Sarah Cohen faced a decision: expand or quit the business. But she said she knew at that time if she were to continue with Route 11 Chips, it would have to be in a responsible and sustainable manner.


Statewide Environmental News Roundup

The scope of the VCEA is far-ranging and far-reaching. It provides a roadmap for the state and its utilities to move away from fossil-fuel-sourced energy and provides authorizations to carry out the Governor’s clean energy mandates in his September 2019 Executive Order 43.

Hburg group organizes virtual and old-school ways to mark Earth Day’s 50th anniversary

While the traditional marches and celebrations can’t happen for the 50th Earth Day on Wednesday, one local organization is encouraging people to participate in social-distancing-friendly ways, such as making homemade signs to display in windows and post on social media.

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