Tag: Massanutten Regional Library

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MRL isn’t satisfied with a return to normal. It’s making more changes.

When Massanutten Regional Library re-opened in March, Lois Jones, the library’s director, stood at the front doors, slightly concerned that the public might resist their masks requirement for those age 5 and older.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Finding gratitude in an otherwise bleak year

Even when 2020 has been downright awful, there have been acts of kindness and opportunities that have bound Harrisonburg families and the community together.


By ditching overdue book fines, MRL becomes part of trend in Virginia and U.S.

With its decision to eliminate fines on overdue books, Massanutten Regional Library joined at least nine other Virginia libraries on the front end of a nationwide trend aimed at dropping barriers to borrowing books and other resources.


Hirschmann seeks a second term as an independent — and often dissenting — voice on council

George Hirschmann, the city council member running for re-election as an independent, cast one of the two dissenting votes when the council narrowly approved the high school’s construction in December. And while he said he’d rather see the city build an annex than a separate new high school, it’s not that he’s against investing tax dollars in the community.

Community Perspective: Public library has resources to learn more about COVID-19 and to get a break from it

As we grapple with the Coronavirus and its effect on our daily lives, we are all trying to find out what its means for us. With all the fake information floating out there, it’s important we understand where to find accurate and helpful information.

A $1,000 fine, and other local library trivia

“The library is part of the educational and cultural life of its community and defines the library’s role in the community as assisting in the democratic process through the free communication of ideas.”

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