Tag: renovations

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A tree with a long brick building behind it.

School expansions, renovations and a possible new elementary school top county’s wish list

Rockingham County Public Schools is pursuing $168 million in building projects through 2030 — including middle and high school expansions, renovations and a potential new elementary school.


Rocktown High School has its first principal

City school leaders hired Tamara Mines as Rocktown High School’s first principal, and Superintendent Michael Richards and the school board welcomed her at Tuesday night’s meeting. 


City officially pauses skate park renovations amid criticism

Mayor Deanna Reed announced the city will pause the planned renovation to the Westover Park skatepark after hearing from members of the community about frustrations and concerns. 


Before and after: The (re)transformation of the Lincoln Homestead and what was discovered

fter almost two years of renovations and lots of surprises — both good and bad —the Bixler family has moved into the Lincoln Homestead. 


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.



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