Tag: Rockingham County Public Schools
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Community Perspective:Tug of War, Tirades and Tired Hope
A contributed perspectives piece by Melissa Weaver: Our family loves listening to the podcast Circle Round, a diverse collection of dramatized folktales. One of our favorite stories, told in East Africa, Brazil, and parts of the U.S., is called “The Tug of War.”
Student protest group, backed by adults, vows lengthy fight with RCPS
The Rockingham County School Board is in for a lengthy fight over its decisions to temporarily remove 57 books from school libraries and to adopt model policies regarding students’ sex and gender identities.
At calmer meeting, RCPS board seeks to clarify approach to school library books
In its first work session dedicated to crafting policies for selecting — and challenging — school library books, the Rockingham County School Board addressed the intense backlash it’s received since its temporary removal of 57 books earlier this month.
New Rockingham County superintendent: ‘We can inspire our students to dream big’
After Rockingham County School Board members interviewed superintendent candidates from as far away as Alaska, they ultimately selected someone close to home to be the district’s next leader.
Flu, respiratory illness hitting central Shenandoah Valley, Virginia hard
Rockingham County Public Schools urged parents last week not to send their children to school with flu-like symptoms as cases of the virus climb across the area and region. Meanwhile, Sentara RMH is seeing more patients with flu-like and respiratory illnesses.
Schools solved internet issues for students during the pandemic. The long-term solutions are trickier.
As schools were forced to close during the beginning stages of the pandemic two years ago, Harrisonburg City Public Schools encountered a problem: 1,224 students with insufficient internet access.
City schools to keep mask requirement but local districts look ahead to one day lifting them; Plans for high schools’ programming evolve
While the requirement to wear masks in schools will remain in place for the foreseeable future, the Harrisonburg City School Board voted Tuesday night to allow administration officials to explore adopting a path to safely remove the mask mandates — but with some big caveats.
January 23, 2024
Raucous crowd weighs in on RCPS book ban, while school board moves on to other policies and redistricting plan
The Rockingham County School Board meeting at times devolved into a shouting match during Monday night’s public comment period over participation rules and the board’s temporary removal of 57 books from school libraries.