Tag: soccer

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Lightsabers and a little loneliness: How Hburg kids have been coping with the pandemic

The Citizen has covered the pandemic’s effects on Harrisonburg from many angles — how it has afflicted those who have had the virus, slammed local businesses, impacted city finances — even how it’s changed the way we interact. But we’ve mostly covered adults’ points of view and wanted to know how kids in the community have been affected. So we commissioned a student contributor to find out.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Community potluck seeks to build ‘Bridges’ with sweet desserts, friendly greetings and lots of dancing from across the globe

Even though many Harrisonburg residents come from across the globe, it’s not every day that people get to exchange elements of their cultures with each other — taste foods with new flavors, interact with different languages, hear stories and learn new habits from different corners of the globe.



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