Tag: businesses

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Trails, trees and vaccination news mark 2021. What will 2022 bring?

If the list of The Citizen’s most-read stories of 2021 tells us anything about the last year, it’s that people were eager for information about the outdoors. Trails and trees were big attractions. 


More than just COVID-19 news attracted readers in 2020

Say what you will about 2020, but it was certainly … newsy. Here are The Ctiizen’s 20 most-read stories of 2020.


In latest round of COVID-19 business, council outlines CARES Act money and gets briefings on JMU and EMU

The Harrisonburg City Council on Tuesday took up several tactics to mitigate the effects of the pandemic: a plan for how to distribute more than $3 million more in federal CARES Act funding, an emergency ordinance to allow the Open Doors shelter to open October 1, as well as protocols to slow the virus’ transmission among college students.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Video story: Magpie finds silver lining in pandemic’s black cloud

Magpie Diner is one of several new businesses that has opened in Harrisonburg since the beginning of the global coronavirus pandemic this year. And while it’s added a whole new level of difficulty to the already steep challenge of opening and running a business, Magpie so far has thrived, its owners say.


After relocating and amid a pandemic, there is ‘Hope’

Mehretu Tekle dreamed of opening Hope Eritrean and Ethiopian Restaurant as a place of unity for the Harrisonburg community, where people could enjoy music and authentic food from the eastern African nations. All that was about to become a reality, but the COVID-19 pandemic put at least part of Tekle’s dream on hold.

School tech and suffering businesses and residents are in line for shares of Hburg’s CARES funds

Purchasing school technology for online learning, providing relief for local businesses and residents and covering some costs of delaying construction on the second high school are at the forefront of the draft for how the city could spend $4.6 million in federal COVID-19 relief funds.

Hburg businesses roll out a range of strategies to connect with customers and gradually reopen

Since mid-March, many local businesses closed their doors, but with Virginia’s Friday launch of Phase 1 reopening, many owners are unlatching their doors or have developed alternative ways to serve customers. The Citizen contacted more than a dozen businesses to find out how they’ve approached the challenges of the stay-at-home order and are adjusting to Phase 1 reopening. And there’s a range of ways local businesses are adjusting to survive.

Concern over pandemic’s effect on the homeless dominates council meeting

COVID-19 drove the discussions during Tuesday evening’s Harrisonburg City Council meeting, as the council confirmed a local state of emergency and addressed the public’s questions about how the city could help those experiencing homelessness during this pandemic.

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