Tag: independents

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Hirschmann seeks a second term as an independent — and often dissenting — voice on council

George Hirschmann, the city council member running for re-election as an independent, cast one of the two dissenting votes when the council narrowly approved the high school’s construction in December. And while he said he’d rather see the city build an annex than a separate new high school, it’s not that he’s against investing tax dollars in the community.


As city voting patterns change, two council candidates face an increasingly difficult task: win as non-Democrats

If a decade-long trend holds true, two candidates in this year’s five-way race for three seats on the Harrisonburg City Council will face longer odds than the three Democratic nominees chosen earlier this year.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

If they vote, JMU students could be wildcards in local elections

A close look at returns suggests that JMU students – or at least those who live and vote on campus – aren’t the city’s most reliably Democratic voters.

Independent council candidates are running from the right and left in this fall’s election

This November, Harrisonburg voters will choose two candidates for city council out of a field of five: two Democrats, three independents but, for the second straight election, no Republican. A Republican last ran for city council seat in 2014. 

Still, two of the independent candidates – Frank McMillan and Carolyn Frank – have embraced certain conservative philosophies, such as wanting to reduce the tax burden. A third independent, Paloma Saucedo, is running on a progressive platform. 

That has the Democratic candidates – Chris Jones and Sal Romero –  facing independent opposition from both ends of the political spectrum. 

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