Tag: politics

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Business advocates eyeing better days as Republicans gain power in Richmond

Democrats and Republicans will continue to clash in Richmond when the next session of the General Assembly convenes in January, but with a Republican governor at the helm and a Republican majority re-established in the House, representatives of two statewide business groups see cause for optimism.


Politics and potholes: Hburg council members adjust to public service in a hyperpartisan climate

Beyond water and sewer infrastructure and traffic studies, sometimes local public service gets downright political — like last month’s discussion of establishing Harrisonburg as a “Second Amendment sanctuary.” It was a reminder that even local officials who are far removed from multi-million-dollar presidential campaigns or Washington’s hot-button issues du jour can’t escape the type of debates that fuel national politics.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Hey Elderly Aunt — if I want to weigh in on politics, how do I find information I can trust?

Hi Elderly Aunt, I hate talking with my friends about politics because they don’t all agree, and it ends up turning into a stressful shouting match. So my approach has been to avoid political news so I can plead ignorance. But now that this impeachment stuff has begun, and I feel like I should know what’s going on. But where do I start? How do I find information I can trust about it so I can make an informed decision and coherent statements about it? Help, please.


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