Author: Bridget Manley

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‘Keeper’ of the Virginia Lincolns digs through forgotten pages of history to make connections

For decades, Phillip Stone and his wife lived next to the Lincoln Homestead — on the very land owned by John Lincoln, known as “Virginia John.”


Young writer navigates financial plot twist to realize her dream

Briana Madden-Olivares has always been a writer. Since she was a little girl, Bri, who was born in New York City but moved to the Shenandoah Valley as a child, wrote poetry, then branched out to playwriting.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Meet the couple preserving Abraham Lincoln’s ancestral home and its complicated history

If you’ve driven north on Route 42 from Harrisonburg, you might have noticed a large farmhouse with fading yellow paint on the right side of the road in Linville, about halfway between Harrisonburg and Broadway. Or maybe you’ve caught a glimpse of a historical marker in the overgrown brush as well.


Getting something for nothing

Facebook is a weird place. If you scroll long enough on Facebook, you’ll no-doubt find obsessively detailed missives about the meme of the day. Maybe your long-lost uncle and your former friend from summer camp are entangled in a political argument. And your insurance broker is on Day 12 of thankfulness —today it’s peppermint mocha.

In Bridgewater, Monica Lewinsky delivers anti-bullying message

Monica Lewinsky — a particularly newsworthy figure at this moment, considering the impeachment inquiry into the current president and against the backdrop of #metoo — spoke at Bridgewater College last night. But you’ll have to take my word for it.

‘Move over so our dad comes home’

The Harrisonburg Fire Department has been coming up with ways to engage residents in creative ways about serious topics, like preventing needless deaths of first responders.

The Global Climate Strike comes to Harrisonburg

This Friday, people around the world will be walking out of schools and work to take part in Global Climate Strikes, and Harrisonburg environmentalists will be holding their own Global Climate Strike at Court Square that afternoon.

She was saved from the wreck that killed her parents. Now this Hburg woman plans to meet her rescuers

Lori Mier could feel it come on each summer — that melancholy haze. And she would be drawn, almost like a ritual, to the story — her story.

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