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New free clinic to open in Harrisonburg
A little over three months after the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Free Clinic closed, a new free clinic will soon begin serving low-income and uninsured area residents. The Blue Ridge Free Clinic will launch during the Remote Area Medical (RAM) Clinic, held April 10-11 at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds.
How a Harrisonburg High School robot became a star
The robotics team at the Harrisonburg High School Governor’s STEM Academy has been racking up wins and awards at competitions this year with its fully mobile, agile and ring-tossing robot. Here’s how the team did it.
Group draws on others’ lessons as they suggest updating Rockingham’s solar farm ordinance
Because being first is not always best, a committee reviewing and proposing updates to Rockingham County’s solar farm ordinance is happy to draw on the experience of other communities.
New MTC program allows instructors to learn from each other
Cosmetology instructors learn welding. Carpentry teachers explore cybersecurity. Administrators make 3D digital avatars. At Massanutten Technical Center, teachers are sharing their knowledge with each other through the new Explore More program, where they can take each other’s classes.
Hey Elderly Aunt, how do I cut myself a break?
Dear Elderly Aunt: Like everyone, I’m sure, this last year has kind of warped my mind. Not being able to go many places has not only made me feel trapped, but it’s like it magnifies all the mistakes I make. I find myself at night scrutinizing everything I said to my children that day, how I handled each situation (especially those I handled poorly), and ruminating over every mistake I made (big or small) at work and at home. Was I that hard on myself before all this? I don’t recall that. Maybe I was and I just don’t remember how it felt before all this pandemic madness. What advice do you have or what advice have you relied on in your life to keep yourself grounded and cut yourself slack for being human?
Statewide environmental news roundup – March 2021
A report from UVA’s Weldon Cooper Center describes ways to accelerate Virginia’s transition away from carbon-source fuels toward clean energy. Not everyone believes these are feasible solutions. Powhatan County approved a 20 MW solar farm. A Harrisonburg resident leads Give Solar, which will help Habitat for Humanity install solar on several area homes in 2021.
Area environmental groups hoping for boost from Biden executive order
Even as the details for implementing President Joe Biden’s executive order establishing a Civilian Climate Corps are still being hammered out, crews from the Appalachian Conservation Corps (ACC) are out planting trees in the Rappahannock watershed. Zach Foster, founder and director of the Harrisonburg-based ACC, said the group’s work exemplifies what the newly created national effort is trying to achieve.
Amid the pandemic, EMU student-athlete has hit his stride
Isaac Alderfer, an EMU junior, pulled down his mask, then went to work running the mile at the Roanoke Invitation on Jan. 30. He won the race, finishing four seconds ahead of the next runner, but he also smashed the Old Dominion Athletic Conference’s record in the mile with his time of 4:11.91. He beat the conference’s previous record from 2017 by roughly three seconds.