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The Virginia Breeze looks past pandemic doldrums

It’s a quiet January Tuesday at the public transit hub outside of James Madison University’s Godwin Hall, where in more normal times, students would be waiting with bags loaded for the Virginia Breeze to take them back home. These are not normal times, though; no one is waiting for the bus, and the only breeze around is the bitter winter sort.


As second pandemic semester begins, universities apply lessons learned

The second full semester of the COVID-19 era classes at EMU got off to a smoother start than the first, when several positive tests among residence hall staff resulted in a two-week postponement of move-in day. This time, on Jan. 17 EMU finished testing all 340 undergraduates who live on campus, with just one positive result, and classes began as scheduled on Jan. 19.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

School nurses answer the call to vaccinate Hburg teachers — and potentially others in the community

K-12 teachers are among those next in line for vaccinations in Harrisonburg, as the Central Shenandoah Health District moves into phase 1b of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. Getting them all immunized over the next few weeks will take the coordinated effort of the school division’s team of 10 nurses, who have now been trained through Virginia’s Medical Reserve Corps as COVID-19 vaccinators.


Local Democratic leaders hope Biden’s message of unity can lead to healing

While the pandemic and security concerns limited access to the 59th Presidential Inauguration, local Democratic Party leaders said watching it remotely — like much of the rest of the country — didn’t diminish the event.

What’s it like in D.C. today? A Harrisonburg police officer who’s part of the Va. National Guard gives us a glimpse

More than 21,500 National Guard members are deployed across Washington, D.C., to provide security for today’s presidential inauguration of Joe Biden. Among their ranks is Harrisonburg Police Sgt. Scott Drugo, who is the Intelligence Officer & Gang Task Force supervisor.

Area delegates say strong economy key to helping vulnerable residents

At a virtual town hall held just prior to the start of the 2021 General Assembly session, two area delegates told local nonprofit service providers that a strong economy holds the key to resolving economic challenges facing many in the community – including improved employment opportunities, a dearth of affordable housing, child care availability, food insecurity and more.

Area Black leaders explain how King’s words are as crucial as ever in 2021

For Black activists and leaders in the Valley, there’s more work the country must do toward achieving equality in America — that dream of which Martin Luther King, Jr. famously spoke. And that work continues today, as it did yesterday and will tomorrow in the far-too-slow bend toward justice.

Hey Elderly Aunt, how do I help my friend’s spouse stop the spread of misinformation?

Dear Elderly Aunt, How do I politely tell my fellow boomer friend that their spouse is posting obviously misunderstood information on Facebook? Case in point: dear friend’s spouse posts a news article from a reliable source — Headline: Biden raising taxes — while they obviously failed to read the article stating Biden wants to raise taxes on people making 4K or more.

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