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At JMU, an uncertain semester is about to begin

With JMU’s classes scheduled to start Wednesday, campus is bustling with first-year students attending on-campus orientation and returning students settling back into their housing on campus and off.


Amid abnormal times, county fair offers a respite — and pony rides

This year’s Rockingham County Fair was pared down because of the pandemic but still highlighted the basics. Here are scenes from the fair, including who (and what) was there and what all was missing.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Hey Elderly Aunt, help me convince my husband to stop driving (half) blind

Dear Elderly Aunt, My husband’s eyesight is getting worse. I’m no longer comfortable being a passenger in the car with him and have told him so. I do the driving when we both go places. But he still gets behind the wheel to drive himself into town. This is making me more nervous, but his license doesn’t expire for another 18 months, and he keeps saying he’ll be OK until then. I don’t want to just hide the keys, so how would you suggest I firmly but delicately address this issue with him?


Harrisonburg: our little oasis

You cannot keep something good quiet forever. I am sure most of you feel as I do in that Harrisonburg and the surrounding counties are great places to work, play, and live. Sure, we have our challenges, but when you line up the pros versus the cons, the scale clearly tilts under the weight of the pros.

EMU’s delay of move-in because of positive COVID tests underscores colleges’ challenges

Even before many of its students even reached campus, Eastern Mennonite University sought to quash an outbreak this week when four students tested positive, although without showing symptoms. But the students’ interactions with others, who also now must be quarantined, set into motion a ripple effect, prompting EMU to delay its move-in date from this weekend until Sept. 3-6 and forcing classes online to start the semester.

Offers for dream jobs — or any jobs — evaporate for recent grads

Gabby Denford, an intelligence analysis major at JMU, had received in March the news she had been waiting for: she had been extended an offer for her dream job as a threat intelligence officer for the firm Control Risks Group in D.C. But this was March — at the same time America was gradually shutting down and JMU classes were shifting online amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Schools kick in $275k for childcare, including for an outdoor school at Camp Horizons

The Harrisonburg School Board has committed about $275,000 to help offset childcare costs this semester — a major concern for working parents since the division announced its decision to offer remote instruction for most students because of the pandemic.

‘Students are going to be responsible for policing themselves’

With JMU classes scheduled to start Aug. 26, the university has published reams of new guidelines about masks and apps and quarantining that all depend on one thing in order for the campus to remain open: students, faculty and staff self-policing each other. ,l

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