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Sentara RMH has plans to handle additional COVID-19 cases but stays quiet on testing, equipment questions
Harrisonburg has 87 confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of Monday – the most out of all localities in the Central Shenandoah Health District, according to data from the Virginia Department of Health. Sentara Rockingham Memorial Hospital has been preparing for the increase, while implementing new procedures, such as aggressive screening of visitors and, according to a spokeswoman, by preparing areas within the hospital for additional treatment areas should the region see an even sharper spike in cases.
For the first time since World War II, there will be no Valley League baseball season
I just can’t believe it’s gone. On April 2, the Valley League made the momentous decision to cancel the 2020 summer season.
Friday Update: School board to reconvene next week about high school’s timeline; Hburg’s COVID-19 cases increase
The timeline for building the new high school remains uncertain after the Harrisonburg School Board met in a special meeting on Thursday.
The Citizen’s local COVID-19 ‘Giving Guide’
Community resources in Harrisonburg are under more pressure than ever to adapt to new conditions in wake of COVID-19 and provide services to those who may not have needed them before — or now need them in more intensive ways.From food banks to homeless shelters to direct fundraising efforts, The Citizen has compiled a list of various organizations and businesses in Harrisonburg in need of extra support.
One month into new role, criminal justice planner finds ways to affect change — even amid a pandemic
A reverence for comprehensive data, a belief in transformational justice over punishment and a willingness to listen to area stakeholders before taking action are all in J. Frank Sottaceti’s toolbelt as he steps into the newly-created role of Criminal Justice Planner for the city of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County.
Gus Bus takes its reading adventures for kids online
As educational programs adapt to the changing tides of COVID-19, Harrisonburg’s traveling literacy program that serves elementary school-aged kids has also made the move online.
Possibly delaying the new high school by a year hints at the city’s tough financial decisions to come
Harrisonburg leaders are looking at a starkly different financial reality now than they were less than four months ago when the city council approved the $100 million needed to build and open a second high school, which has the Harrisonburg School Board considering a one-year delay of its construction.
Hey Elderly Aunt, what should I do with all this stay-at-home time?
Elderly Aunt — any tips on what to do with my time on my own now that everything seems to be shut down? I’m already tired of Netflix. Thanks!