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A picture of a yard sign advertising the Friendly City Solar program

Will Harrisonburg businesses support Friendly City Solar? HEC is asking.

The Harrisonburg Electric Commission is surveying about 850 commercial customers to find out how many would be interested in purchasing clean energy through the Friendly City Solar program.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

A colorful book held in someone's hands

School district’s review of books is underway — but will be done largely out of the public eye

As the Rockingham County school district reviews the 57 books the school board barred from libraries and classrooms in January, the process is expected to stretch throughout the summer and will be completed largely out of the public eye.


Transient Feeling

Season of lushness. Everything green, burgeoning. You go down certain streets you know, the ones with the big old houses where the students live. Tangles of fairy lights and streamers hang from the pillared porches, knots and tatters like overburdened branches.


Rockingham Co. school board reinstates one banned book as review gets underway

The Rockingham County School Board reinstated one of the 57 books it temporarily removed and barred from library and classroom shelves back in January: “The Invisible Boy” by Trudy Ludwig.


Eight people sitting on a stage

From pandemic placeholder to ‘radical’ theater, the Rocktown Readers say they’re here to stay

It started during the pandemic lockdown, as a way to keep doing theater remotely. MaKayla Baker Paxton organized Zoom nights in 2020, where she and her friends would gather on a video call to read plays.

Restaurant hosting drag show pushes back against hateful messages

Mikey Reisenberg, the owner and chef of Mashita, Harrisonburg’s Korean-inspired restaurant, turned this week to Instagram stories for support following negative comments about an upcoming drag show.

Things Have More to Tell

Let’s stray. Let’s wander through the Friendly City, toward some corner we have no reason to visit, on this sunny afternoon in the dogwood season, all the way across town, south to Purcell Park, even if there are other parks closer to home and we have no known acquaintances in this neighborhood.

The art of listening & other reflections of a chaplain

This is a minister who went from a troubled and dangerous workplace to one that seems a slice of heaven.

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