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A colorful book held in someone's hands

Community Perspective: On Banned Books and Institutional Speech

A contributed perspectives piece by Evan Knappenberger


The Wood Between the Worlds

I call this slope at Westover Park the Wood Between the Worlds for these qualities: stillness, silence, and symmetry.


A person holds the book "Drama"

Community Perspective:Tug of War, Tirades and Tired Hope

A contributed perspectives piece by Melissa Weaver: Our family loves listening to the podcast Circle Round, a diverse collection of dramatized folktales. One of our favorite stories, told in East Africa, Brazil, and parts of the U.S., is called “The Tug of War.”


Surveys and meeting on Monday to allow for parents, students and public to weigh in on proposed school times

Harrisonburg City Public School leaders are inviting parents, teachers, students and the public to a meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 12, at Skyline Middle School to discuss potential new start and end times in the city’s schools.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Student protest group, backed by adults, vows lengthy fight with RCPS

The Rockingham County School Board is in for a lengthy fight over its decisions to temporarily remove 57 books from school libraries and to adopt model policies regarding students’ sex and gender identities.

Things Can Be Small and Still Retain Their Nature

Today I’m thinking about the authenticity of little things.

A woman smiling

JMU alum and Entertainment Tonight journalist returns to Harrisonburg … with a story

Rachel McRady, an Emmy Award-winning journalist at Entertainment Tonight and 2011 JMU grad, will visit Parentheses Books downtown at 7 p.m. on Thursday for a conversation about “Sun Seekers” with Breeze TV reporter Alexa Bonilla.

A person holds the book "Drama"

At calmer meeting, RCPS board seeks to clarify approach to school library books

In its first work session dedicated to crafting policies for selecting — and challenging — school library books, the Rockingham County School Board addressed the intense backlash it’s received since its temporary removal of 57 books earlier this month. 

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