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Rockingham school board deviates from its own book challenge process with temporary ban

In the days after the newly instated Rockingham County Board of Education made two decisions Monday, many teachers, parents and students found themselves in the crosshairs of culture wars, as teachers are now required to remove certain books and report student nicknames.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

What Is a City?

On a morning of fog, the trees gray with frost after the ice storm, I’m wondering: What is a city?


A map showing plots of land marked off between major roads.

Council approves housing projects, denies request for boarding house

Housing development issues dominated the agenda Harrisonburg City Council’s first meeting of 2024 with the council giving the go-ahead for 113 new homes on Harrisonburg’s east side and, conversely, halting operations for an unofficial fraternity house that the city condemned last year as being unlivable. 


New county school board removes books from libraries & adopts Gov. Youngkin’s gender identity policies

In its first official meeting with three newly elected members, the Rockingham County School Board didn’t waste any time enacting some of the controversial policies that have been roiling school boards far and wide.


The Romance of Distance

Anyone can write about a large city—large cities are open to everyone—but small cities can only be portrayed by people who love them.

School board elects Kohen as chair and Phillips as vice chair for 2024

With the start of a new year comes new leaders of the Harrisonburg City School Board. During its meeting Tuesday — which lasted less than half an hour — the board unanimously elected veteran school board member Andy Kohen to serve as the chair this year. Emma Phillips, who is starting her second year on the board, will be the vice chair throughout 2024. 

2023 in Harrisonburg: Here’s what people were reading

Readers in 2023 really wanted to know about Harrisonburg’s new high school — and can you blame them? It seems like it’s been in the works for ages. 

Statewide environmental news roundup – December 2023 (Part II)

CAAV has been pleased to provide these roundups and hopes to produce occasional updates. In this, our final edition of this series, begun in spring 2020, we bring you only a fraction of the encouraging and discouraging news in our state this month. Some items are mundane, some are technical; some affect many, and some only a few – but these, and other stories too numerous to include, are part of our common reality. Thank you for reading.

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