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Everyday Losses
They tore down the Virginia Theater and put in a parking lot. But you can still see, she tells me, in the brick buildings downtown, the outlines of former architecture, the shadowy shapes of windows that will never open again.
JMU prof’s book on bookshops makes NYT bestseller list
First there was the capacity crowd at Parentheses Books for the launch of local author Evan Friss’s new book, “The Bookshop: A History of the American Bookstore.” Then, within a week of its release, the New York Times reported that sales had propelled it to the top ten bestselling nonfiction titles.
Why Here?
“I have a question for you,” he said. “Why do you live here?”
After years in limbo, historic Harrison House could finally get its multi-million-dollar renovation
Harrisonburg’s Public Works department is hoping to make $4 million worth of renovations and restorations to the historic Thomas Harrison House by June 2026 with the help of a state grant.
County school board selects main priorities to guide the next 5 years
School safety, employee retention and student behavior are some of the main focuses for the Rockingham County School Board over the next five years, according to a blueprint in the works Superintendent Larry Shifflett presented at Monday’s meeting.
Presidency will be ‘won by your demographic’: Parties have used national conventions to court Gen Z voters
Young voter turnout is low, particularly in Virginia, sparking initiatives at both national conventions aimed at engaging youth in the political process.