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Why Here?

“I have a question for you,” he said. “Why do you live here?”


After years in limbo, historic Harrison House could finally get its multi-million-dollar renovation

Harrisonburg’s Public Works department is hoping to make $4 million worth of renovations and restorations to the historic Thomas Harrison House by June 2026 with the help of a state grant.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

People at a table with microphones talking

County school board selects main priorities to guide the next 5 years

School safety, employee retention and student behavior are some of the main focuses for the Rockingham County School Board over the next five years, according to a blueprint in the works Superintendent Larry Shifflett presented at Monday’s meeting.

Presidency will be ‘won by your demographic’: Parties have used national conventions to court Gen Z voters

Young voter turnout is low, particularly in Virginia, sparking initiatives at both national conventions aimed at engaging youth in the political process.

This Path Is Not for You

Friends and neighbors, I advise you not to walk on Country Club Road.

Harrisonburg school district moves closer to collective bargaining

The Harrisonburg City School Board is inching closer to finalizing a collective bargaining resolution that may shape the future of labor relations within the district’s schools. 

Rocktown HS is about to open — here’s a sneak peek at what awaits students

In these last days before Rocktown High School officially opens to students, the school’s teachers and staff are putting the finishing touches on classrooms and preparing for the first day of school. 

Enchanted Forest

thought I’d walked everywhere I could in this town, circled every place I could reach from my front door. It was during the COVID-19 pandemic that I really became a walker, during lockdown, when I’d go on long rambles just for something to do.

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