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Incoming Chamber President says Shenandoah Valley has lots to like
Never a big fan of sand, the next president of the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce is looking forward to relocating from the shores of northern Florida to the central Shenandoah Valley.
City and school division bank on federal funds to restart high school project, make up for revenue decline
Money that Congress approved last month to help local communities in the wake of the pandemic could help restart construction on the new Harrisonburg high school soon and is expected to fill revenue holes in the city’s budget. Money from the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act, which President Joe Biden signed into law in March, could reach Harrisonburg in the coming weeks in time to resume building the high school even before the city approves its budget for the coming year, said Harrisonburg City Public Schools Superintendent Michael Richards.
Valley businesses to showcase their sustainability efforts
After years of making potato chips in fairly tight quarters, Sarah Cohen faced a decision: expand or quit the business. But she said she knew at that time if she were to continue with Route 11 Chips, it would have to be in a responsible and sustainable manner.
Immigrant-led carbon farming initiative takes root in Mount Clinton
On the upper flood plain of Muddy Creek on the coldest day of early spring, a small crew in hats and winter coats is turning soil. Over the past month, equipped with shovels and mattocks, they’ve built nearly a half-acre of hilled beds, already shading green with a multispecies cover crop of rye and clover. A regional Mexican playlist drifts light on the wind and its rhythm slides into the step and sway of the multinational and multilingual team.
Hey Elderly Aunt, how should I honor a dead loved one on their birthday?
Dear Elderly Aunt: My father died three years ago. I realized recently that I didn’t even acknowledge his birthday this year. I’m his last living descendent, so there’s no one for me to reminisce with. And I don’t live near his grave. But I feel my connection to him slipping away. Do you have any suggestions for how to honor the memory of someone who is gone on their birthday?
Financial crunch time
A contributed perspective by Stephan J. Hess, CFP Editor’s Note: This is another installment of a monthly series of contributed pieces addressing financial matters. Life is hard enough financially as it is, but sometimes the stars align in such a way as to cause a perfect storm where multiple needs unfortunately occur all at once. …
JMU hosts vaccination event for higher ed employees
All JMU employees — including faculty, staff, graduate assistants and student employees — and other local higher education staff members that fall under Virginia’s 1c category are eligible to receive a first round of the COVID-19 vaccine at the JMU Convocation Center on Friday morning.
A downtown park? No more parking decks? Hburg residents have chance to shape city’s future
Harrisonburg community members can inspire a new vision for downtown to help shape its next 20 years, such as what to do with the lots where the two downtown parking decks stand.