Tag: Facebook

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Hey Elderly Aunt, how do I help my friend’s spouse stop the spread of misinformation?

Dear Elderly Aunt, How do I politely tell my fellow boomer friend that their spouse is posting obviously misunderstood information on Facebook? Case in point: dear friend’s spouse posts a news article from a reliable source — Headline: Biden raising taxes — while they obviously failed to read the article stating Biden wants to raise taxes on people making 4K or more.


Hey Elderly Aunt, How do I reach my brother who’s fallen down the QAnon rabbit hole?

Dear Elderly Aunt: Much to my horror and dismay, my brother began sharing QAnon BS on Facebook a couple weeks back. Rather than responding on Facebook to what he’s put up there, I tried talking with him. It did not go well. He’s buying into all these looney tall tales about a deep state and the coronavirus being a hoax … What can I do to try to bring him back to reality and help him see the difference between facts and fiction? Or should I accept that he’s been sucked into an alternative reality?


Council candidate sets personal Facebook profile to private amid criticism of posts

After facing criticism for her Facebook posts promoting QAnon and far-right political memes, council candidate Kathleen Kelley has set her once-public profile to private. Kelley said she did so after the backlash reached those close to her.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Gus Bus takes its reading adventures for kids online

As educational programs adapt to the changing tides of COVID-19, Harrisonburg’s traveling literacy program that serves elementary school-aged kids has also made the move online.

Getting something for nothing

Facebook is a weird place. If you scroll long enough on Facebook, you’ll no-doubt find obsessively detailed missives about the meme of the day. Maybe your long-lost uncle and your former friend from summer camp are entangled in a political argument. And your insurance broker is on Day 12 of thankfulness —today it’s peppermint mocha.

Now bringing you hyperlocal news of national importance

What happens when a scrappy little hyperlocal online news organization tries to pay Facebook $10 to promote a story? Facebook wouldn’t take our money, and The Citizen got caught up in the global web of suspicion over anyone trying to cover politics and “issues of national importance.”

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