Tag: Harrisonburg Police Department

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One night in Harrisonburg, a legendary Swedish band went out in a blaze of glory

And so, in early October, Refused – an iconic band now routinely described as “hardcore legends” and “sonic revolutionaries” – ended up at The 401 House, a brick ranch on South High Street that was then a staple house venue in the city’s punk scene.


Interim chief brings lessons from the past, vision for a future to Harrisonburg police

The interim chief now at the helm of the Harrisonburg Police Department, Gabriel Camacho, comes into the role in the wake of widespread unrest in response to police brutality. Calls for — and arguments over the meaning of — “defunding the police” have been prevalent at rallies and on social media. But to Camacho, it’s not new. He has seen this before.


Technological advances, new leads fuel hope of solving some of city’s oldest murder mysteries

“We’ve got him!”
Those are the words Det. L. Brooke Wetherell dreams of one day saying to the families of victims of some of Harrisonburg’s oldest unsolved murder cases.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Resource officers to stay in Hburg schools this year — but with a more limited role

The five police officers stationed in Harrisonburg City Public Schools will be charged with focusing only on protecting schools and the people in them as opposed to monitoring student culture or “morality” this academic year, as the division works to revise its memorandum of understanding with the Harrisonburg Police Department.

Local reports of child and domestic abuse during COVID lockdown mirror wider trends

For people whose homes aren’t safe places, COVID-19 and the subsequent stay-at-home orders represent a dangerous double bind: unsafe to leave, unsafe to stay. Over the past three months, local reports of domestic violence are on the rise. Meanwhile, child abuse or neglect reports have declined, leaving local responders bracing for a spike in cases that may have gone unnoticed during the spring.

Harrisonburg schools superintendent suggests revising relationship with police department

Harrisonburg City Public Schools will review — and potentially revise — the district’s relationship with the Harrisonburg Police Department, which has four school resource officers placed across the schools. Superintendent Michael Richards brought the item to the school board’s work session on Tuesday.

Data shows police use-of-force encounters are rare but disproportionately involve black people

Over the course of two years, 9,587 people were arrested in Harrisonburg, and during that time 86 encounters involved use of force— amounting to less than 1% of the arrest totals. But the confrontations in which an officer used force beyond handcuffing a person disproportionately involved black people, according to arrest and use-of-force data the Harrisonburg Police Department released Friday.

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