Tag: music
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From the basement up: Places and names might change, but showhouse culture remains in Harrisonburg
The sharp whine of an electric guitar slices through the crackling feedback of an amp. Then, it hits—a wall of sound: thundering drums, pulsing basslines, and raw vocals. Scuffed Doc Martens pound the floor. Bodies jostle and sway, gripping the low rafters for stability. In the cramped basement, people in the crowd press shoulder to shoulder, chest to back. Strangers, united only by the music, move as one.
Court Square Theater prepares for its revival
After nearly a year and a half of being closed, Court Square Theater is planning to reopen, starting with an open house this weekend, followed by the Hispanic Film Festival at the end of September.
For local artists, pandemic has created struggles but also a ‘coronaissance’
Local rapper Gabriel Curry started using the term “coronaissance” as a joke term with friends as a way to describe the effect that the global pandemic was having on local art and culture. But it soon became apparent it was more than a joke. Something was happening.
Harrisonburg musicians use the stage to help their own, others
The room was packed and lively at the Three Notch’d brewery in Harrisonburg one evening in November. This event was hosted by the Judy Chops to raise money for their “band daddy,” Bill Howard whose mother had passed away. It was one of many benefit shows that are periodically held throughout Harrisonburg
Hey Elderly Aunt, why do so many of us reach a point when we stop seeking out new music to enjoy?
Oh my, dear reader! Your question smacked the Elderly Aunt right upside the head.
‘Real change’ — JMU students and halfway house residents team up to craft stories of hope and redemption
Male residents of the Gemeinschaft Home — a halfway house — created powerful songs and emotional messages after teaming up with JMU music and social work students. The result was Story Table, in which many of those stories and songs were shared Monday night at Merge Coffee Co. and Bowl of Good.