Tag: online learning

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EMU hopes two-week delay and ‘COVID Commitments’ will keep classes on campus

Even after a false start of trying to open last month and James Madison University’s shift to at least a month of mostly online classes, Eastern Mennonite University has brought students back to classes, and campus leaders hope they can remain in person.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Parents and Hburg’s schools scramble to find childcare in preparation for fall’s online learning

Many Harrisonburg families are trying to figure out where their children will spend their school days now that the district plans to start the fall with online learning for most students. This has set into motion a massive revamping of not only how teachers will deliver lessons but of the entire school-day scheduling process. District leaders, such as the superintendent, have been negotiating with child care providers and non-profit organizations to find places — and funding options — for children of working parents to go and learn during the day while staying safe. Meanwhile, parents and guardians are having to get creative to ensure their children have structure and supervision during the school days.


With U.S. Covid cases rising, school board changes plan to mostly online learning this fall

Instead of requiring students to attend school a couple days a week this fall, the latest plan for the Harrisonburg City Public Schools will be to require most students to learn from home virtually five days a week, as a result of the discussion during Tuesday’s school board work session.


School tech and suffering businesses and residents are in line for shares of Hburg’s CARES funds

Purchasing school technology for online learning, providing relief for local businesses and residents and covering some costs of delaying construction on the second high school are at the forefront of the draft for how the city could spend $4.6 million in federal COVID-19 relief funds.


Required masks and alternating school days is the plan … for now

The plan for reopening Harrisonburg city schools in the fall by having students alternate days in the buildings won the school board’s unanimous approval Tuesday. But school officials are bracing for it to change right up until schools start Aug. 31.


City schools’ plan for fall would mean fewer students in buildings at once, more online learning

Alternating students’ attendance days, more virtual learning and temperature checks at the door are hallmarks of the upcoming academic year that’s beginning to take shape for Harrisonburg city students.


City schools begin bracing for a new year of online and in-person teaching and learning

Superintendent Michael Richards told the School Board Tuesday that the city schools might rely on a hybrid system of remote and in-person learning in the fall, but school officials are waiting for the state to release guidelines for reopening schools.

While schools are out, Harrisonburg teachers find ways to reach their students

Classrooms across Harrisonburg are eerily empty at a time that they normally would be electric with the excitement of spring and the beginning of the home stretch of another year of learning. And COVID-19’s disruption to student-and-teacher connections is only starting to become clear.

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