Tag: Public Works

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New solid waste management fee is latest ripple effect of changes to recycling industry

With no good solution in sight to the challenges that have faced Harrisonburg’s – and pretty much every other community’s – recycling program, the city will enact a new solid waste management fee structure effective Jan. 1, 2021. For many city residents, it will actually result in modestly lower payments, with the current $15-per-month solid waste management fee falling to $11 per month.


Tiller Strings: sales, rentals, repair, sheet music, accessories.

Even recycling looks a little different in a pandemic

The city, earlier this month, reopened its recycling center on Beery Road after a more than 11-week hiatus because of the COVID-19 pandemic. For some residents, it was a welcome return to help clear the backlog of cardboard, cans and plastic containers. Others have been seeking out the mobile recycling unit — which kept operating — each week to make sure they’re doing their part for the environment.


Facing $6m budget hit, city council makes cuts to education, public safety and public works

The city of Harrisonburg expects to take a hit of about $6 million in the next fiscal year that begins July 1, mostly in lost revenue from local taxes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the Harrisonburg City Council unanimously approved an amended budget that reduces spending for schools, public safety and public works.

Harrisonburg sorts through tons of plastic, paper and pent-up demand for more recycling options

Since single-stream trash and recycling service abruptly stopped last spring, Harrisonburg officials have examined how to best spend taxpayer dollars for waste collection and recycling. For now, Patel said, an employee-managed recycling collection center is the best option, and there is no plan to bring curbside pick-up back to the city anytime soon.

Instead, the city is trying to figure out how to expand voluntary collection options.

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